Sunday, December 20, 2015

Flannel Nest

Nestled round
head, body embedded

nothing exposed
except tip of nose

to Arctic cold
dispensed by windows

flannelized environs
duvet, sheet, and pillow

cocooned away
from a foul-weather world.

I've Discovered My True Englishness

From reading comprehensively
English mysteries, novels, plays
I discover myself in some portrayals

a reticence here, an empathy there
everywhere offers of warm-tea welcome
served with friendly, engaging banter

ever disposed to perform one's duty
dispatched agreeably without complaint
across complex, relational webs

earnestness multiplied to a fault
tempered by quiet introspection
amid affinity for flowery bowers

often complected as rosy-cheeked
sweet tooth quenched by chocolate treats
Dubonnet penchant shared with the Queen

I feel my quintessence in an English skin
churned out of old Anglo-Norman stock
alloyed with a southern-bred politesse.