Saturday, August 27, 2016

First Fall Offering

A golden branch
herald of change
amidst the verdant haze

seasonal start
in overwhelming greenscape
toward blazing color feast

most leafage in patient wait
not anxious to satiate
the hungry, autumnal gods.

Wren Friend

Familiar tweet
at dawn

in his welcome

long absent
from around

bit unkempt
upon return

yet song
at happy pitch

in gratitude
for reunion.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

2016 Existential Election

Primal this battle
truly Manichean

fairy-tale telling
in fascistic mix

shared commitment
under siege

charitable values
out of fashion

loss of hope
for equal chances

divisive chorus
of anger, fear, and hate

lemming-like descent
into bleakest fate

unless Thoughtful Reason
vanquishes the campaign beasts.