Sunday, December 20, 2015

Flannel Nest

Nestled round
head, body embedded

nothing exposed
except tip of nose

to Arctic cold
dispensed by windows

flannelized environs
duvet, sheet, and pillow

cocooned away
from a foul-weather world.

I've Discovered My True Englishness

From reading comprehensively
English mysteries, novels, plays
I discover myself in some portrayals

a reticence here, an empathy there
everywhere offers of warm-tea welcome
served with friendly, engaging banter

ever disposed to perform one's duty
dispatched agreeably without complaint
across complex, relational webs

earnestness multiplied to a fault
tempered by quiet introspection
amid affinity for flowery bowers

often complected as rosy-cheeked
sweet tooth quenched by chocolate treats
Dubonnet penchant shared with the Queen

I feel my quintessence in an English skin
churned out of old Anglo-Norman stock
alloyed with a southern-bred politesse.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Kingdom of Marriage

Kingdom of connections
fashioned broad and deep

inlaid for many years
with intricate minutiae

rooted substantially
in geography of place

populated expansively
by blended genealogies

appended pasts to futures
analogous and disparate

boundaries overrun
beyond original ones

compromise, affection
important compass points

for navigating jointly
this intimately lived-in terrain.

Lioness's Cub

Charmingly costumed
in shaggy cub disguise

intrepid adventurer
in quadrupedal phase

lion-hearted is she
steadfastness in action

mild roars on occasion
exulting in successes

ever exploratory
expanding her domain

confidently ready
for new, bipedal agenda.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Miss Grit

Smiling countenance
disarming, distracting

acting noiselessly
without malice

intentional mission
always her plan

empirical learner
with any attempt

not ever surprised
by piled-high obstacles

relentless attacker
until she masters.

Classical Drama

Chorus of greens
as prologue

eye-catching reds
in first act

yellow crescendo
for the second

resplendent display
at blazing climax

bronzed quickly
in the fourth

ghostly remains
at denouement.

Fall Foliage #16

Slowly, coldly the fire consumes
the solitary evergreen

flames licking from below
with advance of each fall day

smoldering to inferno
expanding its surround

finally all burns away
except the resurrected tree.

Fall Foliage #17

Why so much beauty
given free by nature
whether seen or not

only humans need
to mythologize
this color explosion

sight unmolested
sanctifies, purifies
with incorruptible glory.

Moose Attack

Archetypical poster
serene north woods scene
moose in lake shallows
munching lush, green grasses
against forested tableau

close by at one side
kayaker in red
idling on placid surface
with watchful pleasure
in unsuspecting pose

suddenly the moose
explodes into 3-D action
loping across tall reeds
in pursuit of sweetheart prey
dressed in seductive red

damsel in much distress
swiftly paddles away
to safer, deeper depth
except he swims with ease
closing the distance between

she shifts into frantic gear
skimming across the lake
with steel-trapped, paddling grip
thus rebuffed, the lovesick moose
gives up his quixotic suit

one by one, she uncurls
her oar-locked finger joints
surprise and fear subsiding
she waves to distant mate
he still filming this epic chase.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Shiny Old

No need for shiny new
to decorate my self-esteem

or biggest and best
for much vaunted hipness

snazzy electronics
only for functionality

upgrading mania
quite against my nature

instead I cherish
long-lasting possessions

with patina well-burnished
reflecting perennial attachment.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Magical Thinking

Ensconced on
blooming stage midst rampant gardens

surrounded by
summer's reliable bounty

no regard for
hastening through the greening hours

inattentive to
the season's gradual decay

aloof from
inevitable transitions

presumptive with
today always and still today.

Halcyon Days: Childhood

Freest in my life
imagination reigned

unfettered by adults
or gender inhibitions

endless summer hours
arcing dawn to dusk

tall trees to climb
baseballs to catch

trusty bikes to ride
ever ready to pursue

adventures unknown
beyond any rainbow

independent explorers
rulers of our play-world.

Yet-To-Be: Seventies

Already a few glimpses
of lived-in elderly status

body not always dependable
mind missing occasional beats

entry into new adventureland
bit less certain on this terrain

frequent deep dives into memory
through clarifying hindsight

mislaid fragments from the past
fitted now into instructive place

focused gladly on just this day
not wishing for a crystal ball

collecting ordinary moments
in bouquets of sweet gratitude.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Swimming in Summer

Swimming in a sea of greenery
submerged in luxuriant summer

in every tint and shade
of Verdant's possible palette

thick, leafy drapery
lush, lawn grasses
soft-needled branches
swishy cornstalks
groves of lacy fern fronds
forest stands, mossy patches
shrubby hedges
fields of not-yet hay

drifting, drifting among stems and leaves
immersed everywhere all in green

winter's frozen, bleached-out vistas
long forgotten in this fecund moment.

Art Trademarks

When I gaze upon a pond
I see with Monet's eyes
its spread of pink, white, yellow, green

and talismanic landmark
in New Mexican desert
ever O'Keeffe's high altar

and mobbed portraits
peopled by Brueghel
now in any crowded space

Monet's water lilies
O'Keeffe's pedernal
Brueghel's teeming masses

requisitioned for Art
once in their thrall
always biased sightings.

Early Morning Communion

Early morning chirper
serenading the dawn

first-light glimmers
outside her window bounds

listener for friendly sounds
creaking floor, opening door

eager for arrival
of anticipated faces

a sacramental moment
celebrating her existence.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Back in the Swing

Another boy soaring tall
with sky-high dreams in tow

swinging towards pine tree tops
anxious to sail beyond

back and forth from here to there
oscillating in wider swaths

chasing his Jonah-cousin's ghost
flown away to the Pacific coast

east coast kin now proxy presence
exorcising the former's absence.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Demographic Trap

Open-wallet season
for easy pickings
from ambushed seniors

everyday harassment
by phone and mail
from charities or scams

alms for needy this
alms for disaster that
in scripted appeals

unsolicited gifts
of worldwide cruises
at no-cost rip-offs

medical devices
slyly hawked
with giveaway groceries

low mortgage rates
free credit cards
within swindled reach

fraudulent callers
with full-fleecing intent
disturbers of our peace.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

North Woods En Plein Air

Piled-up cumuli
in scudding rows
above undulating hills

May's leafless limbs
basking languorously
in season's early warmth

skeletal scaffolding
bleakly beautiful
with sterile white trunks

sporadic color
in red maple blossoms
and guaranteed evergreens

all ready in waiting
optimistic again
for Spring's transcendent return.

Big Eyes

What do they see
her big, bright eyes
with increasing focus

mixed visions
of static shapes
moving images

color-splashed spots
familiar faces
snuggling places

unblinking stare
seeking identity
with charmed relations

mirroring smiles
while sharing
unabashed happiness.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Feeding Frenzy

Feathered hubbub
at winter feeders

no patient waiters
for landing clearance

in killing cold
midst gusty snows

just greedy eaters
at frantic pace

compulsive gluttons
in epic struggle

as wolfish hawk
patrols the premises.

Kitchen Sculpture

Towering heap
at critical repose

disparate elements
metal, porcelain, glass

lustrous surfaces
sterling to stainless

splash of bright red
in asymmetric stack

cubistic design
by dishwasher's hand

ephemeral creation
in occasional-art space.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Rewinding Again

Re-start of time
nestled in the present

just a featherweight
unfocused future
all potential

cradled, cuddled
sixth in my arms
two ours, four theirs

synchronized heartbeats
across generations
locked-in attachment

with Eliza, Ned,
Jonah, Lucy, Max,
and now with sweet Sylvie.