Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Adirondack Chairs

Peopleless proxies
in scenic settings

among mountains
on bird's-eye perch

beside a lake
with sparkling sights

on raised patio
above flower plot

at hayfield's edge
beneath an apple tree

landscape guardians
for future viewers.

Old Ski Parka

Still wearing
in my eighties

traverse veteran
over many slopes

downhill vistas
on groomed runs

through woods and fields
in grooved tracks

crystallized moments
now left behind

but not forgotten
in its wraparound warmth. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

So Many Questions

So many questions
left unasked
lost revelations

ancestors long gone
into memoryless dust
beyond curious kin

genealogical hints
bits of family history
scant everyday details

a human conundrum
stuck in futility
lament for extinct answers.

Bleak New Houses

House-building craze
charmless esthetic
brooding and boring

stark-white, big boxes
black-lined windows
with unshuttered stares

flat, linear faces
no genial features
of a welcoming home

minimalist appeal
more hospitalish
than hospitable.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Confetti-filled Days

Red, yellows, rusty browns
shower down at random
for confetti-filled days

swirling, scattered leavings
from maples, oaks, and birches
upon well-travelled trails

celebratory moments
from exultant autumn
into crunchiest remains.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Wildfire Country

Trees ablaze everywhere
a slow, seasonal burn
of expanding grandeur

flame-enshrouded forests
color-quenched vistas
fiery Armageddon

only generative beauty
complete without heat
leafless trees as residue. 

Late Fall Fashions

Underdressed limbs
scant, scattered ruffles
fewer red flourishes

bronzy golds
with fading elegance
dark greens back in vogue. 

Fall Foliage #24

Christmas tree patch
tabletops in situ

festooned in reds
glowing golds, orange others

fixed decoratively
by Autumn's flung leaf-fall

easily rearranged
by interested Breezes.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


Sitting outside
molecule by molecule

attaching to 
white pine bark
slurping hummingbird
seed-hunting chipmunk
flamboyant oriole
pollinated ear of corn

on a summer's day
with pleasurable oneness.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Spring Communion

Swallowtail on lilac
yellow on purple
exquisite pairing

chippy house wren
drippy wisteria
in waterfalling masses

solitary star flowers
lovely white bluets

spring surprises
for everyday joy
in welcomed kinship.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Cosmic Gift

What stunning cosmic gift
wrapped in star-spangled night
for my short-sighted eyes

catalogued as M13
more splendidly known
Great Hercules Cluster

faint, visible, blurry speck
24,000 light years far
across intergalactic space

globular star cluster
aged 10 billion years
in its space/time evolution

sacred viewing privilege
into the endless immense
for this earthly denizen.


Cosmic Faith

Faith in the endless immense
infinite in every dimension

reused, redeployed molecules
for insistent re-creation

absolute resurrection
of meaningful existence

truly glorious moment
for this terrestrial mortal

sentient being, conscious
of colossal, reworked cosmos.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

My Ode to Eighty

Fortunate have I been
in this random existence

filled with extraordinary bits
of beauty, discovery, love

alive in a space and time
congenial with the universe

occasional chunks of sadness
subsumed now into cosmic faith

whatever future consequence
gratitude's my exit essence. 

Monday, January 22, 2024

New England Ruins

New England woods
rife with ruins

mile after mile
stones upon stones

boundaries strong
angled and long

wall testimonials
to Herculean feats

old fields filled anew
with born-again trees.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Sweet Moment

One alone
then another
edging closer

surprise peck kiss
with affection
on a wire.

Friday, October 6, 2023

Fall Foliage #23

Green-making agent spent
weary of photosynthetic task
with reveal of technicolored leaves

early to late bloomers
in eager wait for sequential turn
in fall's anticipated parade

slowly exploding brilliance
grandeur beyond visible grasp
in awe again from front-row seat.

Autumnal Tide

Fall hues rippling across green expanse
golden yellows, scarlet reds cresting
gathering radiant force
flooding autumn's treescapes
overflowing with glorious color
then...ebbing away.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Before Names

Nature left wild for longest time
with no names for knowing

Homo sapiens appears
for flickering moment

placing names in brief play
upon millions of millenia

to distinguish
flowers from trees
birds from fish
snails from other beasts

not essential then, I opine
for classifying Earth's stuff

just random survival
midst magnificent beauty

entirely a riotous
anarchic Garden of Eden.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

May at Camp

A no-forest behind
filled with upstart sticks
white, gray, and ocher

transparency reigns
midst devastation's vista
before green returns

only just bones
of future brushscape
on skeletal display

life in transition
still spring unseen
until leafy yield again.

Loss of Camp Innocence

Sadness prevails
separation no more
from frantic pace

fifty years without
finally doomed
to connectedness

where's the good
to upset now
once simple bliss

cheerless word offerings
to commemorate
end of off-the-grid era.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Fall Daybreak at Camp

A scarlet blur
blazing, soaring red
within greens

startling surprise
upon awakening
for unglassed eyes

season's shift

Autumnal Mecca

Faithful pilgrim
to fall foliage show

spiritual welcome
into dazzling vistas

eager worshiper
with eyes, not on knees

color-drenched scenes
glowing all around

radiant forests
with stained-glass panes

sarcophagic hills
molded by glaciers
adorned in repose
with autumn's palette

lilies gilded 
at every turn

yellow aspens
in rapturous flutter

red maples
flaring their gifts

orange others vying
for sunlit glory

what mythic splendor
in these wondrous leaves! 

Meditative Moment

Watching leaves fall singly
yellow only
poplar now

gently settling the spirit
ascending now.

My Trinity

Stars, rocks, leaves
my Trinity

sacred connections
with our universe

cyclic processes
rendering eternity. 

Another Trinity

Beauty, Love, Knowledge
another Trinity

manifest Beauty
natural and artistic

Love in every mode
wavering and unwavering

awe-filled Knowledge
deep and encompassing

three prodigious gifts
for human percipience. 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Peaceable Kingdom

Gentle passing of time
buzzing slightly
flight of blue color
flutter of yellow
midst scenic greens

slightest breeze
ruffling leaves
cleansing tundra air
for easy breathing
midst soothing greens

grounded views
cloven moose prints
shy mink fleeing
ruffed grouse posed
midst silent greens

long, narrow, deep
glacial remnant
with loons, herons
soaring eagles
midst mirrored greens

peaceable kingdom
beneath pastel blueness
gifted moments...
unity of being
among sentient greens.


Thursday, June 23, 2022


We underestimate trees
their survival deep
within eons-old genes

benevolent giants
in watchful stands
as overstory

by myriad threads
of intertwining fungi

long-evolved bonds
vertical with horizontal
in absolute intimacy.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Clear-cut Vision

Like a ship
the cabin sits
adrift upon
a storm-tossed tract

island of green
in vast, gray sea
bereft, marooned
without redress

instead a prow now
on insistent change
stalwart beacon
for future tree surrounds.

Rocks and Stars

Keen appreciator
of rocks and stars
in all their splendor

of long-ago
dramatic epochs

stunning chronicles
of deep, boisterous time
beyond the knowable.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Jurassic Disaster

I wander among giants
in this imagined moment

grazing dinosaurs within gazing reach
beneath groves of monster trees

beside benevolent river
flowing gently as meanders

then obliterated, buried
under thousands of millennia

I walk now, wonder-filled, among
once-upon cataclysmic days

trove exposed on fossil sands
by still-excavating time

massive, petrified trunks
all same-facing in leveled stands

along with random caches
of large Jurassic bones.


Monday, January 31, 2022

Wishful Thinking

Keep believing
keep believing
keep believing
in many dragons

beyond the believing age

keep believing
in fabled wonders
quixotic notions
mythic unicorns

beyond the believing age

keep believing
in elusive dreams
imaginary thrills
and magical portals

beyond the acceding age. 

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Convoluted Dreams

Each night's invites
to labyrinthine dreams

random wanderings
among unknown knowns

startled, confused, soothed
by disparate presences

just sticky bits and scraps
at morning's waking light

retention not sufficient
for most confounding plots.

Sunday, October 10, 2021


Static, falling force
in splendid magnificence

streaming red, yellow, orange down
among multi-hued greens

glowing in sun-captured leaves
midst silent encroachment

spreading swiftly each day
until color flow depleted.

Glacier Gift

I found this storied rock today
courtesy of glacier transport
from ancient Canadian craton

relic of Rodinia
more likely Pangea piece
as super-continent clue

long ago solidified
as planetary crust
keeping its deep-time secrets

beyond imagination’s limit
fleeting human certitude
only unrequited wonderment.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Two Cousins

One plumpish
sleek the other
long, sharp bills akin

larger white-breasted
smaller stunning
with cinnamon chest

chance encounter
on suspended feeder
sharing reunion feast.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Zoom Self-Portrait

Getting set up...

tilt screen forward
back just a bit
slide to left
inch back to right

fluffing hair
sitting up straight
pillow at back
switch off light

smile at yourself
lips held together
head slightly bowed
hair fluffed again

preened, signing in.

Monday, January 4, 2021

The Long View

Traveler in cropped time
through limited space

eager for glimpses
of boundless surrounds

conscious curiosity
with resonant links

to rocks and stars
in deepest time and vaster space.

Saturday, December 5, 2020


Rock-climbing exploits
now not feasible

clambering zeal
still visceral

magnetic pull

agile nimbleness...no

yet proxy joy
from grandchildren tales

craggy-heights scramblers
to pinnacle delights.

Friday, November 6, 2020

War Among the States

Continuing clashes
of the Civil War
rancorous but not bloody

blue and red battles
strewn across the map
midst rampant pandemic

campaign barrages
of acrimonious salvos
through election's finish

win for the Republic
loss for repulsed zealots
union still in dispute

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Fall's Signature

Red scrawled
in five-leaflet script
across gray stone walls

into seasonal scribbling
from summer's lush green

soon to disappear
through winter's erasure. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Backyard Show

Emergent radiance
of colorful luminescence

autumn's annual visit
with maple-rich display

flaming swatches
golden leafage

luminous shimmers
of arboreal elegance

consummate intimacy
with evanescent beauty

Sunday, July 12, 2020


Oppressive gloom
unremitting doom
worst-ever everything

no newscast relief
loathsome politics
persistent pandemic

drought, pestilence
starvation next
hopefully not war...

summertime respites
of birds and blossoms
all oblivious elixirs.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Primary Colors

Primary colors
in asynchronous flight

trio of brilliance
eye-caught surprises

polychromatic scenes
in random offerings

backyard pageant
of scattered glimpses

uplifting my spirits
to momentary delight.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Privileged to See

Immense gratitude that I can see
see and sense Earth's exquisiteness

attracted to eye-catching details
gladdened by Beauty's bits and pieces

rocks, biota, other sublime types
adding always to catalog of sights

the small and the magnificent
presented for my meditative Bliss.

Blue Chest

Its whereabouts
invisible and visible
residing on both coasts

brightly colored veneer
with deep-holding drawers
still home for all-boy clothes

third generation asset
filled with t-shirt souvenirs
folded, stored, and replenished.

Friday, April 17, 2020


In Pandemic's mists
forsythia hatches
spring-blooming limbs

bluebirds convene
for silent re-nesting

perigee's super moon
presides over
with obliging brightness

muddled humankind
in slow motion
awaits statistical doom.

Tasty Reminiscences

Childhood taste treats
associated chefs
not easily forgotten

mother, grandmother
family friend perhaps
with heirloom recipes

frosted, egg-shaped cakes
holiday sugar cookies
ployes, meatballs, brisket

ambrosial offerings
gratefully remembered
from mythic younger days.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Rio Grande Rift

Deep, earth-splitting seam
serpentine, liquid strip of green
parting rock-solid, lava-laid cliffs

titanic, thunderous roar
from sudden crustal buckling
catching its prairie surface unawares.

Atomic Building Blocks

Fissionable bits and pieces
exploded as in the Big Bang

seeds for audacious uses
activated by human brains

star-making stuff ready for fusion
scattered through cosmic vastness

creation and destruction
as relentless opportunists.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Memory River

Springing forth
as a trickle

then braided streams

bathing the landscape
for memory making

gathering force
from willful sculpting

added resilience
with faster flow

eager gushing
into lush euphoria

cascading losses
within surprise rapids

consoling currents
in familiar patterns

gentle meanders
amid remembered dreams

wisdom mingling
with the indifferent sea.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mineral Muse

Shiny mica glints
as random sparkles
in seaside granite

bright sun-catchers
on blue-drenched day
in seaside granite

glittery greetings
from deep-earth time
in seaside granite

crystalline totems
for unsettled me
on seaside granite.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Capricious Brain

between A and B

no step 2
between 1 and 3

brain lapse
from missing synapse

mental blank
in memory bank

unmoored moment
of bafflement

until found shard
in quarried recall.

American Paradox

What alien folks we walk among
superficial similarities
matching only half-inch deep

ignoble populace
with long-smothered resentments
spewing out in Niagara-like volume

grabbers for sated needs and whims
in sparkly, overstuffed marketplace
while generosity, compassion forgotten.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Persephone's Fall Necklace

Strung together for remembrance
of sunny, autumnal days lost

red-leaf goblets
glints of gold
orange flutters
bronze add-ons
fruity tastes
tinted breezes
crispy air
prismatic dew drops

collected lingeringly
clasped with luminous moments.

Fall Foliage #22

Start the color parade
eye-catching, vivid

glittery, mesmeric
in a north, leaf-chasing quest

ubiquitously brilliant
amid steadfast evergreens

allées of gilded trees
each outsparkled by the next

dazzling, sunlit stretches
of saturated beauty

then some stripped, bare branches
within once blazing patches

dampened soon at northernmost end
to extinguished, gray-green finish.

Brigadoon En Québec

At the edge of the Seaway
with beaucoup de tranquilité

midst long hayfields, tawny marshes
anchored deep by ancient rock

peopled by contented tribes
fishers, farmers, and peace-seekers

Québeçois Victorian abodes
harmonious with beguiling sights

overhead vees of snow white geese
hillside surprise of backlit poppies

splendid, technicolored trees
upon stunning gray-white cliffs

beach-trapped, glacial remnants
as beneficent sculptures

and clair de lune in total eclipse
within its resounding silence

star witness to this enchantment
chez le village de Kamouraska.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Last Communion

Growing old together
in parallel existence

friendly through extended time
for two score plus ten

grayer, less thin are we
you, still green and taller

ever green with fall colors
in never-ending beauty

protective in all seasons
of our modest North Woods niche

soon to be guillotined
in episodic harvest

ours an absolute end
yours, a resurrection win.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ballet over the Marsh

Synchronized in white
winging left
next to the right

blue and green scene
randomly staged
with flying troupe

one, two, three, four, five
discretely settling
in graceful silence.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Shadow of the Fall

No more the shining city
under spacious, hopeful skies
mired now in corrupting deeds

constitution torn asunder
by reckless manipulators
oblivious of end-times spiral

overwhelming cacophony
conflicted in high dudgeon
by hateful, amplified chorus

ungovernable ignorance
Democracy's corrosive force
against informed, reasoned consent.

Ode to the Missing Wishbone

Pre-fab fried chicken
with no classic wishbone

fused clavicles
in odd, fork-like shape

gentle-tug tactic
for best winning snap

long-ago memory
of sibling contests

triumphant wisher
with lengthier piece.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Drifting Through Deep Time

Obsessed with seeing
super-sized continents
breaking apart, colliding
along the planet's seams

systematic earthquakes
extreme volcanism
stretching, baking, buckling
Earth's thin, fragile crust

younger oceanic rocks
captured for attachment
to older continental chunks
as changeable puzzle pieces

majestic mountain-building
with drip-drip dissolution
repetitious sequences
in a never-ending saga...

until the final finale
with depleted mantle heat
no driver of plate displacement
just flat, static, crustal sameness.

Spring Hello (in the North Woods)

Limbs entwined
lightest green with dark

kissing tree cousins
in spring greeting

seasonal palette
of contrasting hues

evergreen shafts
still needle-clothed

bare trunks in bloom again
to full-figured foliage.

Friday, February 22, 2019

High Desert Opus

Expansive beauty
not singularities

extravagant rock ruins
in primeval silence

multi-hued offerings
of impressionistic clout

prodigious vistas
towering far and wide

all revelatory bits
from Earth's deep-time story.

Modern Solace

Earth's stamina

despite pestilence
she survives

and war
she endures

and covetousness
she recovers

with ancient genealogy
she consoles

by human malfeasance.


Narrow, wide, wider
steep-sided, vacant spaces

maze-like conduits
plumbing high desert country

mostly dry...until deluged
by nature's unleashed fury

still gully shrubs revivify
oblivious to flooding terrors.

Friday, October 12, 2018


Bejeweled branches
sparkling ruby red and gold

ornamental colors
as dazzling adornments

reflective facets
capturing richest brilliance

autumnal raiment
dressing up once-green vistas

much hurried preparations
for Fall's Au Revoir Ball.

One Jewel

Tricolored first
spreading scarlet
to a gilded edge
blocked by abundant green

bicolored next
to inevitable red
of priceless splendor
with silent, ticking clock.

Fall Foliage #21

Smothered by color
beauty seeps in
my spirit revives

annual renewal
spiritual cleansing
for this non-religionist

a return to my mecca
its incandescent glory
restorative once again.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Summer Hibernation

A retreat into quiet
blissfully off the grid

in exchange for birdsong
humming, thrumming insects
at even and uneven pitch

breathing in
north woods aromatics
unleashed by summer's heat

transfixed by
blazing fireweed patches
among abundant, lush greenscapes

scanning the dark, silent sky
anchored by the Milky Way
for eons-old, astral scenes...

centered once again
mind, body, and spirit
within life's shared significance.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

A Diamond's Worth

Forged deep in the molten mantle
spewed out through kimberlite pipes

mined billions of years later
by avaricious gem-seekers

these sparkling beauties prized
for ornamental artifacts

without...awed appreciation
for their ancient genesis

as geologic greetings
from an early adolescent Earth.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Soggiest Camp Visit in 50 Years

May in full flood
overspreading hillside

summer/fall drought
erased by ample snow melt

braided-stream flows
through forest and field

cresting together
in pond-sized, road moat

captured easily
for delicious supply

proffered propitiously
by whimsical gods.

Near Seventy-Five

Near seventy-five
saddest for cynicism

a dashing
of heroic hopes

a trashing
of cherished ideals


yet solace
in bookish minutes

still joy-filled moments
in nature's embrace

most welcomed comfort
from family-spawned hugs.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Raison D'Etre

To exult
to participate
in nature's play

whistle birdsong
caress Spanish moss
pick poppies just with eyes
listen to insects sing
engage with a flower bloom

savor the scented seasons
observe creature habits
collect constellations
touch eternity in rocks
soar on fancied wings

behold creation
with bewitched senses
in quest of human destiny.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Exquisite Moment

Enrich with
persistent seeing
exploring wide-eyed

granted by
sentient lens
for briefest moment

seize zealously
and savor well
this cosmic glimpse.

A Brief on Happiness

not sustainable

too ecstatic
for daily balance

off and on buoyant
beyond the rainbow

ephemeral dreams
within wandering mind space

simple contentment
my essential state.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Fall Foliage #20

The colors bloom
leaf by leaf
limb by limb
tree by tree
until they explode

dazzling splashscape
toned to brightest vivid
stunningly luminous
in every direction
vistas of epic brilliance.

Scenic Highway

Scarlet, yellow, orange leaves
mixed with chartreuse and evergreens

along roadsides and riverbanks
across cropped fields and wooded hills

never-ending color displays
in garish, patchwork patterns

repetitious gorgeousness
in unrelenting profusion

no relief for eyes and soul
from mesmerizing assault

until sudden shower dampens
this glut of too much damn beauty!

Un-American Flag

The stars and stripes
now confederatized

banner held high
by angry, white men

mean, hateful chorus
on rising redneck tide

justice just for us
nothing for others

drowning out traditions
of decency and reason.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Staged Succession

A sea of rich, mixed greens
ever so slightly

intense heat and light
ever so slightly

perfumed essences
ever so slightly

ardent hues
primping in wait
for onstage cue.

Fall Foliage #19

Aurora autumnalis
shimmering on mirrored lake

watercolor smudges
stretched in reflecting array

static and dynamic
in red, orange, yellow rows

another tour de force
from Mother Nature's palette

transitory offering
for privileged observers

a seasonal immersion
into alchemized beauty.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Ode to House

It's the windows and doors
looking in and looking out

fifty-four views
within upstairs and down

eye-catching images
of animate and not

outside seasonal
and interior static

eclectic collection
in bright colors and cozy

comfort-filled box
of satisfying sights.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Red, White, and Blue Blues

No more grace notes
to soften greedy motives

the steadfast gone
their house in ruins

shining, on-the-hill city
flattened landscape of id

every golden promise
in overstuffed dustbins

off its lofty pedestal
now...our country 'tis.

Watercolor Meadow

Unmowed this season
upon late June return

dotted orange and yellow
in pointillistic style

among myriad of greens
grasses, leaves, and needles

exquisite hawkweed display
arrested at a distant rock

artistry by butterflies
dripping pigments in their wake.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Genealogy Gold

An American colossus
of outsized accomplishment

esteemed father of this nation
with no biological heirs

many indirect descendants
from his Great-Aunt Anne's genes

an eighth great-grandmother
in my Meares family tree

ten generations later
well-diluted ancestor claim

still...shiny bit of kinship pride
for this lionized, distant cousin.

Birding in the Garden

Surprise attendance
with front-row seating
for glittery glamour show

scarlet and ruby reds
stunning blue, shiny green
rich orange and golden yellow

all with top-star billing
in flamboyant appearance
for stage-front, up-close inspection.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Eye Test

Compromised sight
less clarity
without bold colors

haloed lights
moon and stars
in blurry vision

surgical fix
replacement lens
minus cataract layer

newly scrubbed eyes
in eager quest
of Andromeda's spiral prize.

Retirement Dividend

Early morning dozing
after nightly slumber done

such delicious sleep
with sweet dreaming upon

romping again
among childhood friends

crystal-clear visits
with long deceased kin

surreal adventures
in time-travel mix

all dream-plots accomplished
in a mere twenty minutes.

Language Limits

"Use your words,"
a parent instructs
the young child

decoding magic
to understand
her needs and feelings

yet inadequate
to translate
nature's stunning motifs

that said...live oaks
beckoning up and down
with out-stretched, moss-draped arms

elaborate structures
rooted wide and deep
with ever-reaching limbs

ghostly gray presences
drenched in haunted history
indifferent to humankind's sins.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ode to Cholla

Companion to the grasslands
a once teeming surface
ocean-wide expanse
beyond conjurable limits

familiar silhouettes there
branching, stick-like cacti
occasional, abundant
with discrete separation

friendly sentries for many
on crisscrossing transits
and accidental witnesses
to the prairie's barbarous past.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Connecticut Woods in Winter

Brown and gray canvas
of stark verticals
and crisp horizontals

scenic, roadside sights
between black trunks
and tannish, beech-leaved trees

artful stone walls
mounded long ago
crisscrossed exactly

a woodland still life
wrested from forests
by work-callused hands.


Tail-wagging aspect
pick-me-up pleas
eager for attention

tummy tickling
soft-paw clutching
for roly-poly fun

one a he
the other she
as four-legged twosome

scampering, tumbling
hurtling, hugging
with loving physicality.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Rubicon Crossed

The end of the Republic
its shining city extinguished

democratic-rich promises
smothered and unfinished

snuffed out by benighted mob
as founding fathers feared

dark forces unshackled
by cantankerous voters

hostile takeover by bullies
reversion to white male mean

Ms. Liberty's torch now doused
a beckoning beacon no more.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Another Hypatia

Flayed again
in the marketplace
for flaunting knowledge

for female overreach
almost two millennia later

ascent denied
by same, fiendish misogyny
a never-ending, human plague.

"I Approve This Message"

Me, me, me at the center
of my hate-filled universe

giant among minions
of anti-empathetic class

only white folks matter
others merely for servitude

women in degraded status
simply for sex or decoration

cheers for greedy economics
much more not ever enough

throw out foolish compassion
solely for liberal stooges

bah humbug on book learning
useless in bullying brawls

rally round fellow gun nuts
with ammo at the ready

hello to shameless America
without justice and liberty for all.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Fall Foliage #18

Gilded pine trees
before relinquishment

outshined easily
by fall's full regalia

stately evergreens
momentarily not

golden-needle drop
lost in leafy display

quickly thatched
into brown, ground mat

unnoticed role
in Autumn's mythic show.

New Life Zone

Recent initiate
into everyday pain

whether upright or down
embraced by lower back ache

little relief from
alleviating drugs

repetitive stretches
or heating-pad plasters

eventual cure
most likely to happen

with patient doses
of therapeutic time.

Capacity Limits

but not brilliant

but not mind-bender

but no quantum-leaper...

not permitted
to grasp any piece
of the infinite.

Monday, September 26, 2016

In Praise of Aspirin

It's David versus Goliath
in battle with pharmaceuticals

acetylsalicylic acid
nature's soothing analgesic

in chewable willow bark
brew of meadowsweet

ubiquitous, bargain pill
preferable to costly elites

relief from achy anything
with fever-fighting prowess

one-a-day defense
against heart attack and stroke

antidote for insomnia
even cancer prophylactic

efficacious for millenia
with anti-inflammatory magic

all-purpose healing remedy
prescribed by Dr. Hippocrates.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

First Fall Offering

A golden branch
herald of change
amidst the verdant haze

seasonal start
in overwhelming greenscape
toward blazing color feast

most leafage in patient wait
not anxious to satiate
the hungry, autumnal gods.

Wren Friend

Familiar tweet
at dawn

in his welcome

long absent
from around

bit unkempt
upon return

yet song
at happy pitch

in gratitude
for reunion.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

2016 Existential Election

Primal this battle
truly Manichean

fairy-tale telling
in fascistic mix

shared commitment
under siege

charitable values
out of fashion

loss of hope
for equal chances

divisive chorus
of anger, fear, and hate

lemming-like descent
into bleakest fate

unless Thoughtful Reason
vanquishes the campaign beasts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Random Impressions of Genius

Van Gogh in green-lit room
living among bold, black lines
on dark, starry nights.

Sam Twain's scarcely disguised
humorous, satirical rage
unsettling to customary mores.

Fluent in metaphorical speech
Emily D. inventing peerless verse
waiting for Immortality.

Exquisitely inclusive
Lincoln knowing best how to lead
with humanistic resolve.

Eternally young femme fatale
Millay the classic Grecian nymph
romping with lyricism.

Explorer, artist, lamenter
of vanishing wilderness
birder Audubon superior.

Never daunted Elizabeth
primo of Peabody trio
reformer with transcendental zeal.

Emerson with his turgid prose
a guru of enlightenment
philosopher to humankind.

Epic oeuvre of imagined lives
dissected, penned-down truths
by abyss-gazing J. C. Oates.

Diva extraordinaire
with musical gifts beyond divine
Streisand, Streisand, Streisand!

Voltaire's Madame du Chatelet
pre-Einsteinian theorist
deducing light not matter.

Mythic sage Will Shakespeare
prolific weaver of words
unraveling the human heart.

Candide aka Voltaire
witty, iconoclastic
for civil rights and reason.

Societal, gender shackles
crux of Edith Wharton's works
au plus maxime in words and deeds.

Ego-trumped morality
in Tom Jefferson's world
himself above human rights.

William Maxwell the editor
empathetic, unsung author
in literary firmament.

Artistically-driven O'Keeffe
from New York to New Mexico
post-modern best with desert motifs.

Big chip on writing shoulder
Nobel-prize-winning Naipaul
still craving Olympian status.

Lillian 'Hellwoman'
complicated person
at war with her many selves.

With cleverness and conscience
Frances Perkins the architect
of FDR's domestic successes.

Visionary Frederick Olmstead
striver for human betterment
from army logistics to spacious parks.

Emerson's transcendental ally
unconventional Margaret Fuller
with more action-oriented intellect.

Intrepid, desert explorer
in pre-feminist world
Mideast-mapmaker Gertrude Bell.

No armchair, best-guessing scholar
globetrotting collector von Humboldt
catalyst for fact-finding, field science.

Never Nobelized Vera Rubin
discoverer of dark matter
cosmic riddle still to be unraveled.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Madam President Ought-To-Be

Ages-old load
of gender bias
she carries

always uphill
over stony fragments
with knife-sharp edges

she's been toughened
ready to serve
right for this moment

with relentless focus
against non-stop scoffers
she perseveres for all

time to unite
to dispatch her campaign
across the winning line.

Quiet II

I met Quiet again today
nestled in every cranny
of this boreal wilderness

a long-missing friend
swamped by modern static
of absent noiselessness

elusive portal
for privileged entry
into keener sensibility.

Extravagant Art

Stunning artistry
on colossal scale

explosion of colors
pastel some, vivid others

impressionist's dreams
on ephemeral canvas

every evening exhibit
with free-admission moments

newly unveiled masterpiece
compliments of the firmament.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Tree of Climb

Easier to find
climbable trees
among old live oaks
and grand magnolias

balance-beam limbs
extended far beyond
inviting a walk-up
in acrobatic style

ladder-like branches
simpler to scramble
beneath shaded green
of thick, shiny leaves

joyous enterprise
at increasing heights
seeking communion
with the kingdom of sky.

"These Gardens are Entrusted to the Courtesy of the Visitors" (engraved on stone at entrance to Brookgreen Gardens near Pawley's Island, SC)

No explicit forbidding
of touching
in the gardens

or rubbing
clambering up
nearby sculptures
or trying to climb
outstretched live oaks
draped in gray

no hostile prohibition
of picnicking
on grassy premises

just polite entreaty
for shared stewardship.

Southern Ghosts

From roadside view
wisteria-enshrouded shack
barely standing witness
to a hard-scrabble past

        but rich
        in unspoiled places
        pieces of the sacred
        attached to the soul

        yet unharmonious
        among human denizens
        riven in opposing groups
        privileged white and second-class black

in silent reprise
flower-smothered ruin
haunting vestige of back-when
its beauty and its brutishness.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Land of Must-Return

Winter reunion with enchanted land
of high-desert touchstones and totems

wrinkled, dusty-pink foothills, mesas
juniper-studded in cedar-green

mazes of gouged-out arroyos
dry except when deadly wet

ghostly clumps of cottonwoods
standing at faithful, river vigil

squat, adobe, earth-spawned houses
hid behind coyote fences

ravens squawking raucous welcome
golden eagles in soaring gear

never-ending plains in varied grays
of rabbitbrush, cholla, and sage

distant, purplish snow-capped peaks
cresting against an infinite blue

uncompromised, expansive beauty
with its siren song of peaceful calm.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Impolitic Citizenry

Reckless mischief
by lazy electorate

angry mad hatters
in campaign wonderland
readily seduced
by pied piping media

wishful thinkers
for fairy-tale kingdoms
far over the rainbow
with gold for worthy all

simple-answer seekers
easy prey for promise-makers
warily contemptuous
of orchidaceous others

such kamikaze voters
in a consequential election.

Love Order





love overrides
whatever the order.

Blue-Collar Bondage

Progress along
up to a point
but not beyond

herded within
ordained limits
to attainment

goaded to stay
inside tribal cage
not to fly away.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Local Drought

Multi-storied, tall
forest of many straws

powerful forces
sucking dry the soil

scattered raindrops
greedily imbibed

minuscule drizzle
efficiently siphoned

no hydration
ever wasted

miraculous sipping
for sky-scraping existence.

Simple Contentment

Appetite dispatched
cravings satisfied
with well-savored morsels

intriguing book
awaiting attention
with its splayed-out pages

a riddle poem
cavorting, pinballing
inside my own cosmos

everything else
rather complex
beyond simplest bliss.

Natural Cultivation

Serious weeding
in cohort garden

premature losses

merciless harvest
of post-flower lives
now in earnest

reaper's yield
through the grapevine news.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Flannel Nest

Nestled round
head, body embedded

nothing exposed
except tip of nose

to Arctic cold
dispensed by windows

flannelized environs
duvet, sheet, and pillow

cocooned away
from a foul-weather world.

I've Discovered My True Englishness

From reading comprehensively
English mysteries, novels, plays
I discover myself in some portrayals

a reticence here, an empathy there
everywhere offers of warm-tea welcome
served with friendly, engaging banter

ever disposed to perform one's duty
dispatched agreeably without complaint
across complex, relational webs

earnestness multiplied to a fault
tempered by quiet introspection
amid affinity for flowery bowers

often complected as rosy-cheeked
sweet tooth quenched by chocolate treats
Dubonnet penchant shared with the Queen

I feel my quintessence in an English skin
churned out of old Anglo-Norman stock
alloyed with a southern-bred politesse.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Kingdom of Marriage

Kingdom of connections
fashioned broad and deep

inlaid for many years
with intricate minutiae

rooted substantially
in geography of place

populated expansively
by blended genealogies

appended pasts to futures
analogous and disparate

boundaries overrun
beyond original ones

compromise, affection
important compass points

for navigating jointly
this intimately lived-in terrain.

Lioness's Cub

Charmingly costumed
in shaggy cub disguise

intrepid adventurer
in quadrupedal phase

lion-hearted is she
steadfastness in action

mild roars on occasion
exulting in successes

ever exploratory
expanding her domain

confidently ready
for new, bipedal agenda.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Miss Grit

Smiling countenance
disarming, distracting

acting noiselessly
without malice

intentional mission
always her plan

empirical learner
with any attempt

not ever surprised
by piled-high obstacles

relentless attacker
until she masters.

Classical Drama

Chorus of greens
as prologue

eye-catching reds
in first act

yellow crescendo
for the second

resplendent display
at blazing climax

bronzed quickly
in the fourth

ghostly remains
at denouement.

Fall Foliage #16

Slowly, coldly the fire consumes
the solitary evergreen

flames licking from below
with advance of each fall day

smoldering to inferno
expanding its surround

finally all burns away
except the resurrected tree.

Fall Foliage #17

Why so much beauty
given free by nature
whether seen or not

only humans need
to mythologize
this color explosion

sight unmolested
sanctifies, purifies
with incorruptible glory.

Moose Attack

Archetypical poster
serene north woods scene
moose in lake shallows
munching lush, green grasses
against forested tableau

close by at one side
kayaker in red
idling on placid surface
with watchful pleasure
in unsuspecting pose

suddenly the moose
explodes into 3-D action
loping across tall reeds
in pursuit of sweetheart prey
dressed in seductive red

damsel in much distress
swiftly paddles away
to safer, deeper depth
except he swims with ease
closing the distance between

she shifts into frantic gear
skimming across the lake
with steel-trapped, paddling grip
thus rebuffed, the lovesick moose
gives up his quixotic suit

one by one, she uncurls
her oar-locked finger joints
surprise and fear subsiding
she waves to distant mate
he still filming this epic chase.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Shiny Old

No need for shiny new
to decorate my self-esteem

or biggest and best
for much vaunted hipness

snazzy electronics
only for functionality

upgrading mania
quite against my nature

instead I cherish
long-lasting possessions

with patina well-burnished
reflecting perennial attachment.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Magical Thinking

Ensconced on
blooming stage midst rampant gardens

surrounded by
summer's reliable bounty

no regard for
hastening through the greening hours

inattentive to
the season's gradual decay

aloof from
inevitable transitions

presumptive with
today always and still today.

Halcyon Days: Childhood

Freest in my life
imagination reigned

unfettered by adults
or gender inhibitions

endless summer hours
arcing dawn to dusk

tall trees to climb
baseballs to catch

trusty bikes to ride
ever ready to pursue

adventures unknown
beyond any rainbow

independent explorers
rulers of our play-world.

Yet-To-Be: Seventies

Already a few glimpses
of lived-in elderly status

body not always dependable
mind missing occasional beats

entry into new adventureland
bit less certain on this terrain

frequent deep dives into memory
through clarifying hindsight

mislaid fragments from the past
fitted now into instructive place

focused gladly on just this day
not wishing for a crystal ball

collecting ordinary moments
in bouquets of sweet gratitude.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Swimming in Summer

Swimming in a sea of greenery
submerged in luxuriant summer

in every tint and shade
of Verdant's possible palette

thick, leafy drapery
lush, lawn grasses
soft-needled branches
swishy cornstalks
groves of lacy fern fronds
forest stands, mossy patches
shrubby hedges
fields of not-yet hay

drifting, drifting among stems and leaves
immersed everywhere all in green

winter's frozen, bleached-out vistas
long forgotten in this fecund moment.

Art Trademarks

When I gaze upon a pond
I see with Monet's eyes
its spread of pink, white, yellow, green

and talismanic landmark
in New Mexican desert
ever O'Keeffe's high altar

and mobbed portraits
peopled by Brueghel
now in any crowded space

Monet's water lilies
O'Keeffe's pedernal
Brueghel's teeming masses

requisitioned for Art
once in their thrall
always biased sightings.

Early Morning Communion

Early morning chirper
serenading the dawn

first-light glimmers
outside her window bounds

listener for friendly sounds
creaking floor, opening door

eager for arrival
of anticipated faces

a sacramental moment
celebrating her existence.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Back in the Swing

Another boy soaring tall
with sky-high dreams in tow

swinging towards pine tree tops
anxious to sail beyond

back and forth from here to there
oscillating in wider swaths

chasing his Jonah-cousin's ghost
flown away to the Pacific coast

east coast kin now proxy presence
exorcising the former's absence.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Demographic Trap

Open-wallet season
for easy pickings
from ambushed seniors

everyday harassment
by phone and mail
from charities or scams

alms for needy this
alms for disaster that
in scripted appeals

unsolicited gifts
of worldwide cruises
at no-cost rip-offs

medical devices
slyly hawked
with giveaway groceries

low mortgage rates
free credit cards
within swindled reach

fraudulent callers
with full-fleecing intent
disturbers of our peace.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

North Woods En Plein Air

Piled-up cumuli
in scudding rows
above undulating hills

May's leafless limbs
basking languorously
in season's early warmth

skeletal scaffolding
bleakly beautiful
with sterile white trunks

sporadic color
in red maple blossoms
and guaranteed evergreens

all ready in waiting
optimistic again
for Spring's transcendent return.

Big Eyes

What do they see
her big, bright eyes
with increasing focus

mixed visions
of static shapes
moving images

color-splashed spots
familiar faces
snuggling places

unblinking stare
seeking identity
with charmed relations

mirroring smiles
while sharing
unabashed happiness.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Feeding Frenzy

Feathered hubbub
at winter feeders

no patient waiters
for landing clearance

in killing cold
midst gusty snows

just greedy eaters
at frantic pace

compulsive gluttons
in epic struggle

as wolfish hawk
patrols the premises.

Kitchen Sculpture

Towering heap
at critical repose

disparate elements
metal, porcelain, glass

lustrous surfaces
sterling to stainless

splash of bright red
in asymmetric stack

cubistic design
by dishwasher's hand

ephemeral creation
in occasional-art space.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Rewinding Again

Re-start of time
nestled in the present

just a featherweight
unfocused future
all potential

cradled, cuddled
sixth in my arms
two ours, four theirs

synchronized heartbeats
across generations
locked-in attachment

with Eliza, Ned,
Jonah, Lucy, Max,
and now with sweet Sylvie.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Tall Pines

Soaring southern columns
beyond lofty cloud tops

staid New England pillars
well and deeply grounded
with elephant-footed roots

Pinus taeda to P. strobus
loblolly and white
parenthetical to my life

friendliest giants
stalwart companions
in protective stance

longtime overseers
mostly benevolent
to denizens underneath

sentient sentries
above the human fray
until decapitated.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Unfussy Debutante

How easily she fits
among familiar things

propped, slightly swaddled
beside the wood-burning stove

under protective gaze
of paintings, books, and relics

next to tapestried sofa
in view of perched toucan

tiny, radiant presence
with hypnotic force

perfect miniature
linking past and future

a magical addition
to the family landscape

engaging us all
in born-again innocence.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Fall Foliage #15

The forest under siege
in paintball warfare

exploding pods of color
golden yellows, scarlet reds

eclipsing brightly
the vast, expansive green

such my bird's eye view
from Airbus window seat

high above the Rockies
aspen and maple-splattered

empyreal glimpses
of fall's magnificence.

Final Bows

Last leaves of the season
stuck tenaciously to the stage

colorful ornaments
still in aesthetic pose

more in starring roles
with left-behind status

reluctant performers
at their valedictory moment

a wild, buffeted ride
gentle balletic twirls

or wafting slightly side to side
into the grand finale pile.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Old Storyline

How rickety I feel
on occasion

unstable ankle
recalcitrant brain
achy back
and balky knees

are these the teasers
for my aging plot?

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Joyful Moment

How fun to pounce upon a leaf
as grasshopper, raindrop, or fly

to bounce and slide in easy style
against its green expanse

breakaway from routine jobs
in nature's scripted scheme

a joyful moment only allowed
for small, ephemeral things.

Why Does That Robin Sing All Day?

Our robin-in-residence
at unmodulated forte
from pre-dawn to post-dusk

for many summer weeks
at unchanging volume
without a scratchy note

long past nesting season
with no answering call
still undaunted flinger of song.

At the Seaside

Endless symphony of sound
rhythmic, reversible surf
rock-pounding wave action

staccato shrieking of gulls
occasional passing quacker
ubiquitous beachside chatter

seasonal orchestration
a soothing musicale
for our restless selves.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

War and Peace

Channeling Emily in France
upon a riverbank
gazing back at
poppy-splattered ramparts

wall of time
stretching backwards
facing forward
encasing selfsame souls

hearing gladsome birdsong
among the weeping years
singing what can be
in gentle Tranquility.

Member of the Club

Parisian caparisoned
male and female
with je ne sais pas quoi

tightly wrapped
muffled, loosely tied
freely streaming

silky, plaided
striped, solid
square polka-dotted

casually accessorized
chicly fashionable
until the ten-thousandth one.

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Human Race

It is a marathon
different route for each

uneven ups and downs
with arbitrary curves

and, if lucky, perhaps
one elaborate plain

measured in decade laps
of heartbreak and satisfactions

diminishments accumulate
beyond mid-century years

hobbling, limping, stretcher-borne
all do reach the finish line.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hard to Imagine

Hard to imagine...not

living at this consensual spot
rooted in rock-hatching soil

looking out my kitchen window
witness to long-farmed field

walking briskly to nearby bog
observer of its graceful seasons

relaxing in backyard grasses
among monumental pines

receiving wildlife visitors
on their unannounced rounds

picking berries, corn, fresh flowers
from brimming garden patches

meditating midst domestic things
mix of relics, books, and toucan

embracing woodstove warmth
as cherished, faithful presence

living at this long-savored spot
fixed in modest, hospitable space

hard to imagine...not.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sexy Underwear

His and hers
entangled expertly
in drying cycle

not attracted to
blouses, socks
or diaphanous gowns

nylon on cotton
ecstatically clinging
in random embrace

always together
intimately paired
after each whirlwind affair.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Grand Morning

Perfect bundle in between
stuffed into green sleep sack

cocooned, almost mummified
except for arms and head

softest paws, five-fingered
intertwined with old, old ours

squeezing secret-coded
early morning messages.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Weighted Dice

Pair of sixes
with each roll
in destiny's game

where born
of whom
and when

food, books

where born
of whom
and when

love, hope
nature's bounty

where born
of whom
and when

life's lucky take
with weighted dice
for three score and ten.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Memory Tree

Enchanted icon
recapturing the magic
of a long-ago fantasy

brightly festooned
in tangible measures of time
masquerading as colorful baubles

     old world St. Nicholas
     antique, red glass balls
     petit point heirlooms

     cross-stitched holiday designs
     a Tiffany silver snowflake
     Polar Express souvenir bells

     miniature Fenway Park
     kid-crafted ornaments
     gilded sweetgum balls

     Pawley's Island sand dollar
     Panamanian mola
     Alpine edelweiss

     re-tied, red yarn bows
     crystal reindeer mobile
     Sidney's memorial bell

each a treasure
with particular intent
composing a lovely story

cherished connections
to this seven-decade life
still giving comfort and joy.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Self-Portrait at Almost Seventy

A certain tipping point
at Life's summit
looking back clearly
with unveiled eyes
and looking to proceed
into the shadowy abyss

crossover point
questing done
every rainbow chased
cashing in now
all my favorite pots of gold
for stacks of well-savored moments

inflection point
older to elder
slowing ever so slightly
to more observant pace
exultant in the familiar present
blinded still to insidious Time.

Motion Machine

on the move


in discovery gait

reaching in
pulling over
exploring every

many Everests
master of his world.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

What I Hear

On this autumn morning
Canada geese squawk
in advancing formation

neighborhood birds
perhaps wren and nuthatch
exchange conversation

single red squirrel
with clucking chatter

commuter traffic
lumbering school bus
announce mechanical noise

quiet intersperses
quite harmoniously
if carefully listened for.

Fall Foliage #13

Prayer flags unfurled
in flutter abundance
across color-rich hillsides

strung along flimsy limbs
of maple, birch and aspen
streaming cheerily in the wind

extending invitation
with magnetic attraction
for autumnal communion

restorative moments
for filling up the soul
with necessary nourishment.

Fall Foliage #14

Post-peak foliage in falling mode
stirred up in colorful flurries

unsettled in swirling heaps
drifting into carpet layers

romp-ready for kicking feet
fall's relics crunched beneath

last salute to season's drama
curtain descends until green again.

Dancing Duo

Yellow leaves all a-quiver
shimmying tremulously
within gentlest zephyr

twisting, spinning
right then eager left
catching sunlit glints

trembling aspen
like its quaking namesake
sashaying with the wind.

Smiley Face

A ten-thousand-watt smile
with crinkly eye appeal
seizes surrounding affections

a gobbling-up grin
chews and munches hearts
into more adoring pieces

a gleeful giggle-machine
incites contagion
of spontaneous joy

his merry-go-round
sweetly flings out
hugs and big, wet kisses

a happy face embraces
gilding for golden instant
our quotidian stage.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Comfort Rocks

The rocks beckon
with meditative comfort
beside the abiding sea

too large for prayer beads
solace nonetheless
within their rounded heft

soothed by solidity
I feel free to exercise
my cosmic affiliation

anchored to land
roaming the ocean vista
embraced by all-inclusive sky

philosophy falls away
no explanations needed
to understand existence.

Grand Central Station

Densely packed, dark specks seething
in several directions
among an occasional red
that stops the moment
then switches on again
and the hordes horde
the throngs throng
in the manner of Brownian motion.

Museum Passage

Ethereal this
imagined that

garish trees
dark, blocky rocks

flat-faced portraits
from shared gene pool

banal tools
arranged, labeled
lying impotent
without hands and feet

too many ships
in tarnished light
plying the waters
of languid seas

canvas overstuffed
with lobster traps
ensnares as one falls
promptly off the stack.

Fall Foliage #12

Bored with summer-green fashions
Mother Nature's ready
for sassy, new fall apparel

darker shades bleached first
for comely, chartreuse look

dabs of bold, brash scarlet
added on for random charm

tie-dyed, rainbow spirals
flung across her forest-dress

complemented soon after
with rich batiks of somber bronze

now Mother Nature's wearied
of changing and adjusting
her lush, autumnal ensemble.

Trial by Conscience

I   Indictment

Wrestling with family histories
exhumed in genealogical digs

darker plots found entangled
within slavery's iniquitous web

muted now are heroic imaginings
of long-ago ancestor stories

escapees from brutish poverty
in perilous, ship-tossed transits

come to hack out autonomous lives
at edges of Edenic wilderness

obsessed to own new-world land
free from British feudal bondage

clans patrilineal and matrilineal
settled on unclaimed tracts

in South Carolina's piedmont
and on North Carolina's coastal plain

there seventeen family households
traded their souls for immoral gain

reaping cash from tobacco and cotton
with labor of African-American slaves

starkly tallied in national censuses
from 1790 to emancipation

catalogued as well in estate accounts
and wills as only first-name chattel.

II  Mea Culpa

Now I know...now I know
this inhumanity taints my blood

I must and will bear witness
against this past abomination

I acknowledge, regret, abhor
all hurtful, humiliating acts

wrought with despotic white-power
by my slave-owning forebears

as their present voice and conscience
I offer too-long-withheld remorse

and posthumous apologies to Sissyfus,
Mosley, Berry, Wade, Reuben, Hannack,

Rebecca, Sara, Long Jack, Short Jack,
Cindia, Mattie, Haywood, Lucy, Annie,

Sukey, Dinah, Caster, Rouse, Gatsey,
Dick, Sohee, Old Titch, Jimmy, Rose,

Judah, Moses, Winne, Esther, Cato,
Abraham, Peter, Sarah, Lyd, Phil, Boe,

Nelius, Sam, Clary, Beck, China, Ben,
Patience, Dave, Fanney, Bob, Hannah,

Punch, Amos, Jacob, Little China, Tom,
Poll, Washington, Daniel, Nelly, Rachel,

York, Avey, Noel, Lewis, Dave, Elveda,
and all the unknown, unnamed others.

III  Verdict 

Be it affirmed and declared again
in the name of all Humanity

here to far-distant, global places
for now into the enduring future

all people of any gender and color
are of necessity created Equal

endowed with certain unalienable,
secure, unequivocal, categorical,

protected, defended, inviolable,
absolute, immutable, sacrosanct,

self-evident Rights of Life, Liberty,
and the protean Pursuit of Happiness.

Lost in Poetry Dystopia

Who will memorize postmodern poetry
essayed lines without rhyme or rhythm

chock-full of hanging metaphors
blended into stranger fantasies

problematical to understand
alienated from this reader's grasp

hallucinatory glimpses of something
extraneous to everyday mazes...

where are the dictated paths not taken
endless fields of golden daffodils

grieving lilacs beside the dooryard
narrow fellows in tall, wayward grasses

candles burning swiftly from both ends
love's labors lost in liquefied clothes

feathered things in wordless choruses
darkling plains and ravens everywhere...

why more and more rhapsodic verses
swapped for Jabberwockian leaps

distorted by uber-cubist visions
crammed with kaleidoscopic shards

of fractured contexts, oblique precedents
and densely elliptical idioms

all pounded, pressed, precipitated
into exquisite morass of tangled language.

Friday, August 23, 2013

River Clock

River clock
tick-tocking by

floating debris
in fixed motion

downy feathers
flower petals
fallen leaves
fractured ice
life-seeking seeds

flowing onward
watched or not

to next hour
season and cycle.

Celestial Sensation

Waiting, waiting
for promised signal
from celestial heights

gazing, gazing
with eager scan
for glow-in-the-dark display

hoping, hoping
for cosmic surprise
in black, star-ridden sky

waiting, waiting
gazing upward

...a moment flares
in splendid silence
across Pegasus' Great Square.

Mid-August Blush

To the penetrating eye
of this wilderness aesthete

I see a dark-green canvas primed
on the opposite mountainside

ripening well in mid-August
under late summer's cooling sun

ready for autumnal washes
to paint its color-changing phases

now just slightest, pastel hint
of suggestive, pinkish tinge

a faint glaze over textured treetops
soon to show off Fall's rampant palette.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


The throaty trill
of the loon
haunts, thrills
with its wild aloneness
summoning my soul
to ponder unremembered moments

echoed now
in toddler's gleeful trill
discovering his new world
of alluring prospects
with ear still tuned
to unknown, sung-before songs.

A La Carte

Not yet toothy
but hunger bites

food attracts
beyond the breast

menu expands
with bits and pieces

mashed banana
bland rice wafers

creamy egg salad
peanut butter dabs

satisfying treats
for eager palette

gnawable corn cobs
watermelon pops

and pièce de résistance
sweet-buttered, tongue-sticky grits!

Where, O Where?

Turned away from video visit
determined not to see
Mémé and Pep leave again

too many good-byes
final or otherwise
for his five-year-old heart

his dog-pal died
then much-loved Baba
harsh blows to a little boy's soul

where have they gone
will I ever see them again
why not...why not?

Paternal Bond

My father's long dead
nearly forty-five years

his kind nature
embraces still

a tactile connection
remains in hand

genetic perhaps
our common habit

rolling up waste papers
into throwaway balls

with each repetition
my childhood smiles back at me.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sweetest Little Thang

Smorgasbord of goodies
embedded in
those scrumptious cheeks
munchable cream puffs
tasty from ear to ear
in lip-smacking smooches

gimme some, gimme some
spoonfuls of Max's sugah

his teeth-aching sweetness
in southern accents
of Krispy Kremes
pecan pralines
Mississippi mud pie
peach upside-down cake

gimme some, gimme some
pounds of Max's sugah

roly-poly limbs
fingers and toes
as candied delights
all amply supplied
at this ambrosial feast

gimme some, gimme some
heaps and heaps of Max's sugah.

Extreme Change Agents

Hypocritical arrogance
or arrogant hypocrisy
labeling others
invasive species

opportunistic us
plundering hordes
greedy reapers
commoditizing the planet

entitled possessors
ravishing Nature's beauties
wreakers of habitat chaos
for ultra-extravagant comforts

no predatory defenses
against homo sapiens' blitz
except, perhaps, quite likely
our own self-destructive selves.


Against my degenerative time
I have mined
substantial, creative nuggets

perfect, precious, rounded
honed in mind
with mystical empiricism

next came sparkling flakes
of luminous kind
artfully sieved for revelations

winnowing now for smaller, shiny pieces
sorted into lines
gently lapping at thinking's edge

soon just bits of golden dust
left behind
within my muse's grasping reach.

Monday, April 22, 2013

How to Explain Death

Shedding of used-up husk
for fresher skin and feathers
of flower blooms, butterflies
or soaring eagle
touching the sky

welcomed chance
to know abundant life
as death generously
resurrects us
in different disguises

its overwhelming stillness
whispers to those
abruptly left behind
of memory-lives
that will never end to them.

How to Explain Life

Is it...

a failed magic trick
or glorious one

sensory playground
or shadowy fiction

mix of emotions
throttled by instinct

biochemical experiment
running its course

or blank slate of probabilities
with luck-of-the-draw winners?

I breathe
I eat and drink
I see, hear, feel, smell, taste
I lust
I love
I laugh and cry
I play and work
I reap and sow
I think
I imagine
I read and compose
I celebrate with others
I glory in nature
I soar and fall
I retreat
I sleep
I dream
I die and, perhaps, dream again.

Is it...

the universe's gift
or a cosmic joke

a straight line to nothingness
or regenerating spiral

a single imperative
for creative expression

blinded consciousness
craving comprehension

or exhilarating merry-go-round
spinning faster to oblivion?

Music Appreciation Class

First woodpeckers percuss
loudly across the bog

redwings screak and call
in back-and-forth rhythms

subtle peeper chorus
chants sweetly at hearing's edge

solo mallard flies over
quacking in syncopated time

sundry songbirds enter
at high and medium pitch

robins chirp warm-up notes
not yet in operatic timbre

alto-assertive wood frogs
insist with charming dissonance

bass croaks from bullfrogs missing
too early in the concert season

parent geese in squawking section
hurry me past their marshy nests

I pause again along the bogside
to sort out these euphonious sounds.

Flower Song

Wordsworth's daffodils
sang for me today
in lilting color

ten thousand strong
bright, sunny faces
in hillside chorale

mixed harmonies
in yellow, orange, and white
of gentle sublimity

soundless cantata
carefully composed
for blooming crescendo.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Southwest Palette

Pink and blue moments
encountered everywhere

shades of Picasso
certainly of O'Keeffe

rosy rocks, soil, adobe
bloom in random unity

startling azure flashes
streak past high-desert scrub

steep, pastel canyon walls
cavort with sapphire patches

freshly washed arroyos
pale-colored, sculpted cliffs

embrace joyously
amidst this cerulean feast

beauty everlasting glimpsed
while waiting with the ravens.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Southern Comfort

Genuine niceness
learned and practiced
as gentleness
mixed with kindness
extended to me
anonymous white person
by several black hostesses
at different kiosks
in the Atlanta airport
during a stopover stay.

These solicitous gifts
stirred deeply felt memories
of my South Carolina childhood
when I was cared for
by Florrie, Rosa, and Verda
and of sweet Jessie
who cooked next door
and sent me home
at end of long play-days
with three, still-warm-from-the-oven biscuits
small, buttered, perfectly flaked
wrapped carefully in a paper napkin
that I greedily devoured
before arriving at my back door
fifty feet away.

I am divorced
in various ways
from my native south
and when I visit now
mostly for funerals
I cherish conversations
joyous and accepting
with random, black strangers
refreshing my heart's connections
to long-ago, soul-forming comfort.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Max's Tomorrowland

Ten days of grandmother heaven
as newborn Max's late-night date

cocooned together on cozy sofas
conjuring up tall-tale adventures

jumping off MacDonald rocks
skiing Tahoe's powdery slopes

hiking Hadrian's serpentine wall
meditating at the Taj Mahal

ballooning over the Serengeti
paragliding among Alpine peaks

exploring Antarctica's icy pole
climbing the highest Himalayas

watching sunrise at Macchu Picchu
and sunset from Haleakala's crest

soon Max must begin his heroic quest
backpack stuffed with kin's affection.


Occasional Fantasy

I want to smash
all smart phones
whatever their brand

I want to stop
the beeping, playing
of Pachelbel's Canon

I want to snatch back
possessed attentions
from Digital's siren songs

I want to see
human eyes again
unglued from machines.

Afternoon Concert at Symphony Hall

Attendees in waiting
capture my watchful gaze

carefully turned-out ladies
coiffed with silver-haired curls

elegant ones sit mixed
among animated others

I survey the usual crowd
certain that I will glimpse

one of my mother's friends
surely Claudia or Dootsie

none return my searching smile
instead regard me not at all

daunted in spirit, I realize
I'm just another of their number

pretty nearly three score and ten
I do not yet accept my aging

quickly I depart this lounge
with springier step in my gait.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Keening for Sandy Hook's Innocents



Lost in a Crowd

Between quiet and crowds
I prefer stillness
in all its aspects of calm

outside of jostling noise

I seek stillness
embellished with beauty
far removed from ugly inputs

sanctioned for heedless needs

beauty sustains me
in its scant locations
shrunken by human intrusions

to satisfy its ravenous maw

found yet again
beside whispering water
in some enchanted landscape

safe from the planet-trashers.

Death of a Family

Divorce kills

familial bonds
ripped asunder
in sudden mayhem

jagged pieces
remain, scattered
among the ruins

love leaves
entropy succeeds
trust in tatters

disparate kin
scarred, wounded
in helpless witness

no formal ritual
food or flowers
for customary comfort.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Back to the Past

Losing just a bit
of advancing stride
in this race with life

need for shifting gears
back into reverse
to slow momentum

eager to set off
in time machine
to repossess the past

alluring vision
of youthful terrain
at high school class reunion

nametags matched
to unfamiliar faces
sculpted by aging

yet fifty years
quickly vanish
in those beholders' gaze.

Flying into Night

Azure, gold, fiery orange
layered like sand art
brilliantly lit
on my west

on my east
impending peaks
shaded in grays
and charcoal black

alternating glimpses
as double visions
soon to disappear
behind the nocturnal curtain.

Career Change

I wish to apply
for flying status
in my hereafter life

ready then
for sky-high adventures
in the third dimension

not as cosmic
or vaporous explorer
with eternal tenure

but sturdier
of broad-wingéd sort
preferably as an eagle

surveying landscapes
from superior perches
riding tall-mountain thermals

if this impossible
any unfilled, wren-or-finch slot
certainly acceptable.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Seasonal Prequel

A blooming bouquet of color
neon splashes
gold, pick-your-own orange, glowing red

brilliant zinnias
last stems standing
beyond summer's growing bounds

connecting the seasons
as premonitory avatars
of Fall's flamboyant blossoms.

The Circus Came to Town

The big-top tent up and waiting
unconventional circus in town

no lions, tigers, elephants
trapeze artists or juggling clowns

just rambunctious boy and girl
leading a make-believe parade

on the stage from dawn to dusk
performing with three-ring aplomb

running, jumping, swinging tall
batting balls across nightfall

apple-picking, rock-hopping
under autumn's sunshiny sky

climbing an ice cream mountain
final act of this spectacular show

the tent's folded once again, stored away
until next rendition of their gleeful play.

Personal Multiverse

They touch
but do not articulate...
my two universes

with convenient portal
between these independent spaces

one world
anchored in daily prospects
of comfortable ordinariness

the other
soaring and unbounded
levitating me on creative bliss.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Saturday Ballet at Market Basket

Swarming with the morning troupe
near the eggs-and-butter cooler

magnetized next to deli counter
pirouetting between with practiced ease

bending delicately over slabs of meat
stretching gracefully for cereal mixes

waltzing toward frozen-food cases
dodging some out-of-rhythm plodders

on point for paper towel choices
bowing low before detergent soaps

threading intricate, crowded spaces
among displays of fruits and produce

swanning discretely into pastry section
twirling round and round stacks of treats

queuing up at last in chorus line of carts
eager to hear the cashier's ringing applause.


Dusty colt's feet
traipsing along
in slowest motion

leafy hoof prints
pounding soundlessly
on roadside tracks

cheerfully lugging
summer's fun
on its hospitable back.

Fall Foliage #11

One redhead
among all the green others
grabbing fall's early attention

otherwise nondescript
scraggly with unbuxom foliage
small beside tall, statuesque types

one winning moment though
seized in August's preliminaries
before autumn's official beauty contest.

Garden Warfare

Darting dive bombers
on the offensive

whizzing rockets
among flower heads

with tail displays

ambushes fierce
in aerial attacks

daily combatants
near hummingbird feeders.

Mr. and Mrs. Soprano

uneasy seatmates
on the island ferry

with fancy dress and jewels

over preening
in Wall Street pinstripes

with obvious disgust

under public gaze

gambling losses
new mistress
another murder?

inching together
ever so slightly

compromises remembered
tangled web intact
as they disembark.