Peopleless proxies
in scenic settings
among mountains
on bird's-eye perch
beside a lake
with sparkling sights
on raised patio
above flower plot
at hayfield's edge
beneath an apple tree
landscape guardians
for future viewers.
Peopleless proxies
in scenic settings
among mountains
on bird's-eye perch
beside a lake
with sparkling sights
on raised patio
above flower plot
at hayfield's edge
beneath an apple tree
landscape guardians
for future viewers.
Still wearing
in my eighties
traverse veteran
over many slopes
downhill vistas
on groomed runs
through woods and fields
in grooved tracks
crystallized moments
now left behind
but not forgotten
in its wraparound warmth.
So many questions
left unasked
lost revelations
ancestors long gone
into memoryless dust
beyond curious kin
genealogical hints
bits of family history
scant everyday details
a human conundrum
stuck in futility
lament for extinct answers.
House-building craze
charmless esthetic
brooding and boring
stark-white, big boxes
black-lined windows
with unshuttered stares
flat, linear faces
no genial features
of a welcoming home
minimalist appeal
more hospitalish
than hospitable.
Red, yellows, rusty browns
shower down at random
for confetti-filled days
swirling, scattered leavings
from maples, oaks, and birches
upon well-travelled trails
celebratory moments
from exultant autumn
into crunchiest remains.
Trees ablaze everywhere
a slow, seasonal burn
of expanding grandeur
flame-enshrouded forests
color-quenched vistas
fiery Armageddon
only generative beauty
complete without heat
leafless trees as residue.
Underdressed limbs
scant, scattered ruffles
fewer red flourishes
bronzy golds
with fading elegance
dark greens back in vogue.
Christmas tree patch
tabletops in situ
festooned in reds
glowing golds, orange others
fixed decoratively
by Autumn's flung leaf-fall
easily rearranged
by interested Breezes.
Sitting outside
molecule by molecule
attaching to
white pine bark
slurping hummingbird
seed-hunting chipmunk
flamboyant oriole
pollinated ear of corn
on a summer's day
with pleasurable oneness.
Swallowtail on lilac
yellow on purple
exquisite pairing
chippy house wren
drippy wisteria
in waterfalling masses
solitary star flowers
lovely white bluets
spring surprises
for everyday joy
in welcomed kinship.
What stunning cosmic gift
wrapped in star-spangled night
for my short-sighted eyes
catalogued as M13
more splendidly known
Great Hercules Cluster
faint, visible, blurry speck
24,000 light years far
across intergalactic space
globular star cluster
aged 10 billion years
in its space/time evolution
sacred viewing privilege
into the endless immense
for this earthly denizen.
Faith in the endless immense
infinite in every dimension
reused, redeployed molecules
for insistent re-creation
absolute resurrection
of meaningful existence
truly glorious moment
for this terrestrial mortal
sentient being, conscious
of colossal, reworked cosmos.
Fortunate have I been
in this random existence
filled with extraordinary bits
of beauty, discovery, love
alive in a space and time
congenial with the universe
occasional chunks of sadness
subsumed now into cosmic faith
whatever future consequence
gratitude's my exit essence.
New England woods
rife with ruins
mile after mile
stones upon stones
boundaries strong
angled and long
wall testimonials
to Herculean feats
old fields filled anew
with born-again trees.
One alone
then another
edging closer
surprise peck kiss
with affection
on a wire.
Green-making agent spent
weary of photosynthetic task
with reveal of technicolored leaves
early to late bloomers
in eager wait for sequential turn
in fall's anticipated parade
slowly exploding brilliance
grandeur beyond visible grasp
in awe again from front-row seat.
Fall hues rippling across green expanse
golden yellows, scarlet reds cresting
gathering radiant force
flooding autumn's treescapes
overflowing with glorious color
then...ebbing away.
Nature left wild for longest time
with no names for knowing
Homo sapiens appears
for flickering moment
placing names in brief play
upon millions of millenia
to distinguish
flowers from trees
birds from fish
snails from other beasts
not essential then, I opine
for classifying Earth's stuff
just random survival
midst magnificent beauty
entirely a riotous
anarchic Garden of Eden.
A no-forest behind
filled with upstart sticks
white, gray, and ocher
transparency reigns
midst devastation's vista
before green returns
only just bones
of future brushscape
on skeletal display
life in transition
still spring unseen
until leafy yield again.
Sadness prevails
separation no more
from frantic pace
fifty years without
finally doomed
to connectedness
where's the good
to upset now
once simple bliss
cheerless word offerings
to commemorate
end of off-the-grid era.
A scarlet blur
blazing, soaring red
within greens
startling surprise
upon awakening
for unglassed eyes
season's shift
Faithful pilgrim
to fall foliage show
spiritual welcome
into dazzling vistas
eager worshiper
with eyes, not on knees
color-drenched scenes
glowing all around
radiant forests
with stained-glass panes
sarcophagic hills
molded by glaciers
adorned in repose
with autumn's palette
lilies gilded
at every turn
yellow aspens
in rapturous flutter
red maples
flaring their gifts
orange others vying
for sunlit glory
what mythic splendor
in these wondrous leaves!
Watching leaves fall singly
yellow only
poplar now
gently settling the spirit
ascending now.
Stars, rocks, leaves
my Trinity
sacred connections
with our universe
cyclic processes
rendering eternity.
Beauty, Love, Knowledge
another Trinity
manifest Beauty
natural and artistic
Love in every mode
wavering and unwavering
awe-filled Knowledge
deep and encompassing
three prodigious gifts
for human percipience.
Gentle passing of time
buzzing slightly
flight of blue color
flutter of yellow
midst scenic greens
slightest breeze
ruffling leaves
cleansing tundra air
for easy breathing
midst soothing greens
grounded views
cloven moose prints
shy mink fleeing
ruffed grouse posed
midst silent greens
long, narrow, deep
glacial remnant
with loons, herons
soaring eagles
midst mirrored greens
peaceable kingdom
beneath pastel blueness
gifted moments...
unity of being
among sentient greens.
We underestimate trees
their survival deep
within eons-old genes
benevolent giants
in watchful stands
as overstory
by myriad threads
of intertwining fungi
long-evolved bonds
vertical with horizontal
in absolute intimacy.
Like a ship
the cabin sits
adrift upon
a storm-tossed tract
island of green
in vast, gray sea
bereft, marooned
without redress
instead a prow now
on insistent change
stalwart beacon
for future tree surrounds.
Keen appreciator
of rocks and stars
in all their splendor
of long-ago
dramatic epochs
stunning chronicles
of deep, boisterous time
beyond the knowable.
I wander among giants
in this imagined moment
grazing dinosaurs within gazing reach
beneath groves of monster trees
beside benevolent river
flowing gently as meanders
then obliterated, buried
under thousands of millennia
I walk now, wonder-filled, among
once-upon cataclysmic days
trove exposed on fossil sands
by still-excavating time
massive, petrified trunks
all same-facing in leveled stands
along with random caches
of large Jurassic bones.
Keep believing
keep believing
keep believing
in many dragons
beyond the believing age
keep believing
in fabled wonders
quixotic notions
mythic unicorns
beyond the believing age
keep believing
in elusive dreams
imaginary thrills
and magical portals
beyond the acceding age.
One plumpish
sleek the other
long, sharp bills akin
larger white-breasted
smaller stunning
with cinnamon chest
chance encounter
on suspended feeder
sharing reunion feast.
Getting set up...
tilt screen forward
back just a bit
slide to left
inch back to right
fluffing hair
sitting up straight
pillow at back
switch off light
smile at yourself
lips held together
head slightly bowed
hair fluffed again
preened, signing in.
Traveler in cropped time
through limited space
eager for glimpses
of boundless surrounds
conscious curiosity
with resonant links
to rocks and stars
in deepest time and vaster space.
Rock-climbing exploits
now not feasible
clambering zeal
still visceral
magnetic pull
yet proxy joy
from grandchildren tales
craggy-heights scramblers
to pinnacle delights.
Continuing clashes
of the Civil War
rancorous but not bloody
blue and red battles
strewn across the map
midst rampant pandemic
campaign barrages
of acrimonious salvos
through election's finish
win for the Republic
loss for repulsed zealots
union still in dispute.
Red scrawled
in five-leaflet script
across gray stone walls
into seasonal scribbling
from summer's lush green
soon to disappear
through winter's erasure.
Emergent radiance
of colorful luminescence
autumn's annual visit
with maple-rich display
flaming swatches
golden leafage
luminous shimmers
of arboreal elegance
consummate intimacy
with evanescent beauty.